Annie King Counseling

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.

-Philippians 4:5

Matters of Faith

I am a counselor who is a Christian. I have been a member of the faith community all of my life. I understand the unique issues that Christians face. I received my clinical training at Asbury Theological Seminary and can help you wherever you are in your own spiritual journey.

Clinical Counseling

Anne M. King is a clinically trained counselor who is a Christian. She integrates her faith into the different theories. Theorist, Carl Rogers emphasizes unconditional positive regard, while Albert Ellis seeks to understand the whole person. Annie uses an eclectic style of Cognitive Behavioral therapy. Unhealthy feelings are painful roadblocks which disrupt their daily lives. Annie believes if people can change the way they think they can change the way they feel.

Pastoral Counseling

Kurt King is a credentialed minister. He integrates his Christian faith and his theological understanding. He is aware of the board range of theological perspectives. People enter counseling with a story of what has gone wrong in their lives and they are unable to connect the dots between God and their broken world. Kurt listens for the God story and helps people discern their own view of God, the problem of evil, and/or Jesus Christ’s work of grace and forgiveness in their lives.

“Jesus comes not for the super-spiritual but for the wobbly and the weak-kneed who know they don’t have it all together, and who are not too proud to accept the handout of Amazing Grace.”

— Brennan Manning