The Reality that It is Possible


In times of uncertainty or when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges, it’s easy to feel stuck, overwhelmed and discouraged.  However, it’s vital to remember the timeless wisdom handed down to us by previous faith-indwelled believers.  They faithfully believed “With God all things are possible.” This short phrase serves as the light which we see breaking over the far horizon. It reminds us that our faith in Jesus Christ transcends any obstacle or limitation we may encounter along life’s journey. Jesus said, “if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can tell this mountain to be thrown into the sea.”

When we experience the deeper meaning in these six small words the truth becomes possible. We open ourselves to a realm of infinite possibilities.  It’s a declaration of independence that no circumstances, no matter how daunting, is beyond the scope of God’s intervention.  Burton Cooper writes, “God’s power and knowledge of what is possible in this world, or any world is boundless (Why, God? pg.92). We free ourselves from the moorings of stagnant thought.  By activating our faith, we can navigate through the darkest of valleys, knowing that God’s guiding hand is ever-present, ready to walk with us as we move toward brighter horizons. We see all God’s possibilities.

Embracing the wind of truth when we say, “With God all things are possible,” empowers us to approach each day with renewed vigor and optimism. We find the present gives birth to more opportunities instead of rehashing the past and frozen in fear thinking about the worst future outcomes.  God’s unlimited possibilities instill with us a sense of resilience and fortitude, knowing that we are never alone in our struggles. We belong to God and a community of trusted friends who walk the similar path with us. Our eyes remain focused on the transforming power of God’s love and light as live into the next possibility that becomes a reality.


Spring and Possibilities


Trust in a Committed Relationship