Earworms and Other Pesky Thoughts

Earworms, sometimes known as Involuntary Musical Imagery, mostly occur with catchy jingles or a simple melody. They rest in our minds with people who have good memories and those with obsessive-compulsive disorder, as well as those with high sensitivity. The condition generally lasts for only a short period of time (Sometimes as your trying to sleep.) and is often compared to a broken record or a feedback loop.  The music and lyrics repeat over and over. It has been found that up to 98% experience earworms. For a majority of people these have little, if any, effect on their lives. Only a small percentage describe them as annoying and/or causing insomnia.


Earworms may be compared to your worries about tomorrow which may lead to feelings of being stuck or debilitated.


Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own (Matthew 6:34).


Our troubled thoughts push and pull us either into the past or the future.  Pierre Janet wrote, “This kind of stress is an illness of not being able to be fully alive in the present.” When specific thoughts constantly consume our mental energy, it is rumination. Our minds latch on to negative thoughts, they tend to repeat over and over like a broken record. It involves a recurrent, intrusive, and uncontrollable style of thinking that can cause both depression and anxiety (Self-Compassion, 111). Rumination about negative events in the past leads to depression. Rumination about potential negative events in the future leads to anxiety.


The Message Version of Matthew 6:34 says, “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now!”  Wow! Now there is a powerful and positive thought. Live in the present.  Jesus also said, “I am the same yesterday, today and forever.” This means Jesus’ unchanging nature rules over time and knows your thoughts and feelings about past, present and future. He gives you a safe place to leave the pain of past and/or the worries of tomorrow in his care.


With my full-time work now with Annie as a counseling partner, I experience a newfound freedom living in the present which garners fulfilling days. I am less anxious and more hopeful. I’m grateful for doing God’s work with Annie in this season of our married life. There are couple reasons for this. First, I appreciate that I have greater control over my weekly schedule. Second, I keep my heart, mind and soul resting in the present with Jesus at the center of my life. (You can read my September 1st Blog post about rest.) In other words, I put into motion what I hear from God. I give permission to “Tomorrow” to worry about itself. 


Why not begin in a practical way to address those pesky, earwormy thoughts.  What is God doing in your life right now you are thankful for? How may you take steps be fully alive in present, not missing the love and care God wants to show you today?



‘Tis the Season


Thankful for Good Coffee